Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kick It up a Notch with Trampoline Tricks

Having a trampoline and not know how to do trampoline tricks may mean some families are not getting the most out of their purchase. Taking time to learn them will kick it up a notch the next time the family gathers together around the trampoline. There are several easy to learn tricks that once they are learned and people are comfortable with them they can begin learning more challenging tricks. Everyone can learn these tricks because when it is time to kick things up a notch the adults enjoy learning and showing off what they have learned just as much as the rest of the family does.

Learning the straight jump may sound a little silly however to remain as safe as possible it is important to learn the right way to do every trick. This trick of course is the easiest trick that even the little ones will know how to do almost immediately. Bounce up and down on the water trampoline some may just drop and stop but it is good to learn how to bounce up and down and then bounce off of the trampoline. For younger jumpers they should be taught how to land on their back. As they jump up and come down they will want to keep their heads up as their back connects with the trampoline. Another important jump to learn so that other tricks can be done is the tuck jump. Bring your legs and arms to the chest as you go up on the air and as you coming down straighten legs and arms in the opposite direction. The pike jump may be a jump that mom and dad want to learn because it can help strengthen the abdominal muscles. You will move your arms and legs to chest height as you jump, keep legs straight out from the body and arms behind the knees. The last jump most people may want to learn is the straddle jump where you spread your legs wide apart and continue like the pike jump.

Learning trampoline tricks is great a great activity for families to learn together and individuals to practice during their free time. The next tricks that family members may want to learn are the different types of drops but the seat drop is the easiest one to learn. This drop does require a little more coordination and it starts with straight jumping and then when you come down you will want to straighten legs so that you land directly on your bottom. This drop may be a part of other tricks that the family may choose to learn.

Having fun on the family trampoline can be done when everyone knows a trick or two. Learning together also gives families more time together and activity time together which may be valuable than movie time or no time together. Taking time to learn together is important so make sure that everyone learns all about the safety of the trampoline and the trampoline tricks they will be participating in so everyone can kick it up a notch.

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